Located in the far south of Suriname is the largest village of the Tiriyo Amerindian tribe and also home to small groups of other tribes such as the Wai-Wai. The population number of Kwama fluctuates between 1300 and 1800 due to migration between small villages in the border zone between Suriname and Brazil.

Besides a small airstrip, school, medical clinic and a mobile telephone network, it also has a Baptist church.

This series shows a part of the daily life from early morning to evening.

The first photo starts with a Tukusipan, the traditional thatched community hall in the center of Kwamalasamutu. Worth mentioning are the megaphones on top, a..k.a. BIGI MOFO (Big Mouth) which are used for daily Baptist prayers (starts at 04:00) and general important messages throughout the day.

These photos were taken for ACT Suriname (Amazon Conservation Team).